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Amal s

A member registered Jul 06, 2021

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Good but at the end it was strange and weird but anyway since it is your first time I appreciate your hardwork. KEEEP IT UP

If possible please subscribe to my channel and press the bell icon :)

Hey man, nice game but at the end it was not spooky but funny. Since it is your first time I appreciate your hardwork keep it up. 

If possible please subscribe to my channel and press the bell icon :)

could you please subscribe to my channel ? Please?

(1 edit)

Hey man nice game and it was very spooky and I really appreciate your hardwork. It was not only a horror game but a real life based game. and I also liked the story of that game it was sad but he had to do it. GOOD KEEP IT UP! .please make more games like this .And thanks for such a wonderful game.

if you don't mind please subscribe to my channel :)

Hey, I am Amal and I liked your game very much. it was a bit spooky at first but at the end I was pissed off thinking that It was only this much. but nice game anyway Thanks! if you don't mind please subscribe to my channel.

i opened the game.the player was sitting on the couch  as the bell rang i pressed w then it began to moonwalk  on some infinite surface. some bug issue please fix it